Jumat, 02 Desember 2016

The last meal world

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb
Back again on my blog this time I would like to share the story of the world's last food I want to eat, seper ti we know an awful lot of name and type of food from different regions of the world, and as we know too much once the food comes from areas in Indonesia. Not just known in Indonesia many once food in indonesia, which is already known from the food world that indonesia did not lose competitiveness of food from outside countries such as pizza that originated in Italy
 Leu us straight to the core of my post this time, seeing as I'll post about the world's last meal yaang wanted me makn then world's last food I want to eat is RENDANG beef rendang as we know it is the world's finest foods to eat is also food that contains high nutritional, food that derived from the Paddock is also very known in all corners of the world , and why I prefer these foods in the appeal of other foods such as bacon or fried rice, because for people who are less able to like me, to eat food is definitely tasty hard se even I can only eat food like this only when the day of Eid ul-Fitr ratya only.
Anyway for the current condition of the amount of stock or beef in indonesia increasingly year declined, the number of livestock in karenakan lack of or lack of inpor beef to indonesia and I think the food is worth it once in everyone's favorite food is his special people,
So my post this time, upon her visit I say
Wassalammualaikum Wr Wb.

Minggu, 27 November 2016

A letter to my younger selfand my 10years later self

Assalamualaikum warahmatulllahiwabarakatuh My name Nur Andi Ewid Ishaq. Met again on my blog nurandiewidishaq10.blogspot. com, how are you who read this blog? I hope you guys alright previously thank you for visiting my blog this time I get a job as usual is posting weekly assignments. This time my job is a message for me now and 10 years to come. You all must have a message and ideals weeks to the fore not? Better than my stories were not clear so I just, a message to me now are:
1. Must be diligent in worship
2. It must be independent and more mature
3. Do not be lazy in college and stay on task given what the lecturer
4. Must have a passion in the lecture
5. Motivated
 6. Learning diligent
And the message for 10 years to come are:
1. Have a simple family
2. Have sufficient work to support my simple family
3. The happy parents
4. Having your own home
5. The work that remains and prosperous
Maybe it was just a message that is not so excessive and we will meet again on my blog at the next opportunity. I nur andi ewid ishaq asked for prayers from all of you in order to materialize the messages what I make for myself. And hopefully your future goals in future also achieved. amen I say thankyou, wassalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

Rabu, 23 November 2016

Warm Up !!

1.What websites do you use to find information ?which are the best ? Why ?
Sandy: "ewid, what are you doing?"
Ewid: "I'm looking for information on google !!
Fahmi: "What information are you reading ??
Dhika: "Why should google ??
Ewid: "Because the information is complete and accurate in google !!
Sandy: "It is not only the only information that we can get on google, but also learning !!
Dhika: "Then I also want to try
Fahmi: "I also often looking for information on google about Task campus !!

2.Does your school or teacher have any rules about using such sites
Sandy: "What's on our campus allow students to perform tasks using google?
Dhika: "As far as I am okay, as long as the sites open positive
Ewid: "I have not heard a regulation that prohibited the students do the work using google
Fahmi: "Absolutely, I've never heard of
Ewid: "And not all tasks have to be done using google
Sandy: "It is also true
Fahmi: "We must be smart use technology in their studies
Dhika: "I agree with fahmi.
3.What Are The Differences between online information and information from libraries or Encyclopedia ?
Fahmi: "According to my information on the Internet is easy, because it does not make us to bother.
Dhika: "No, I think in the library is more complete because his books very much and a lot of source
Ewid: "Well, I think the same, either in the library or on the internet information equally complete
Sandy: "I agree
Fahmi: "But it is more practical if the internet
Ewid: "Yeah well
Dhika: "but if it is clear the library resources
Sandy: "Sip ..

Kamis, 17 November 2016

My karaoke song of choice and why

Assalammualaikum. Wr. Wb
Welcome to back on my blog, this time I wanted to share the story of my faporit songs when karaoke, I would like to ask whether the Friends-friends never karaoke? .... the answer is surely never, since almost 95% of the human love of music, because it then any of us to listen to music we like in hypnosis to sing together.
Let us straight to the core of my post this time, seeing as this time I would like to tell you about my faporit song karoke moment, then I will let you know that my faporit songs when karaoke is the song's mother, who in IWAN FALS, why I love this song, probably because I was a big fan of iwan fals or maybe songs of Swami has the meaning that is so in the same also with songs other iwan fals This song has a meaning that is very nice and also this song has meaning in personal for me
Because this song tells about the magnitude of the sacrifice of a mother who may not be in the know by us. mainly by me personally. Because as we know there is no an mother who will tell you how great the sacrifice. because every mom know that all his sacrifice will reply by ALLAH SWT.
Every time I hear this song, that crossed my mind was how do I to be able to reply to all the mother's sacrifice has he given me. even though we know that any of the happiness we give to the mother, will not be able to reply to the magnitude of the sacrifice of the mother against us. ...
Therefore let us be equally correct ourselves so that we do not make a mother's heart hurt because, heaven is at the FEET of the MOTHER.
So my post this time, waiting for my next posting-posting and keep visit my blog
Upon his visit I thank you
Wassalammualaikum Wr.Wb

Rabu, 16 November 2016

Resume Articel And Difficult Word

The Perfect Gif
Why Vine is way more than just another video-sharig app.
The very best things we make are those allows us to make other, better things-tools that forge connections and empower creativity. One of the latest of these is Vine, Twitter’s new video-sharing app. It lets people shoot and share six-second looped clips. I know, sounds boring-like socialcam or Viddy or anyother Instagram-for-video effort. But it’s not. It’s fundamentally different.
Vines are more like GIF’s than Youtube clips. Vine almost doesn’t feel like a video app at all. It’s own thing: A code that unlocks creativity in six-second bursts.  A powerful tool for real-time journalism. An entirely new art form. And it’s going to be really big.
            Like Twitter and Instagram, Vine is built on constraints. You can’t add extra audio. Videos are lo-def. You can’t edit footage-it splices everything together in the sequence it was shot. No filters. No Record button. No Play button, even. It’s touch to shooy, scroll to play.
            Vine leans heavily on GIF culture, with its simple clips often used to express complex ideas and emotions. It’s an information-dense, fast-loading stream. Everything is signal or skip. Yet it has problems-for instance, porn. Fine, who cares? But Vine’s porn has popped feed and, at least once, it’s Editor’s Picks. That’s bad. Nobody should see a penis unless they want to see penis.
            It also lacks some basic social features. People discovery is a mess-especially since Facebook quickly barred Vine from using it’s social graph. You can’t edit titles or tags or comments after posting them. You can’t link in-app to videos you like, which is important if Vine wants to attract new users. Twitter is working o fixing all those things. It has already removed the ability to search for Vies tagged as porn.
            Vine actually feels a bit rushed-and that’s because it is. Twitter knew that Vine was far from perfect whe it released the service into the wild. “You reach a point where you want to see how the world’s going to use it”, says  Michael Sippey, who runs consumer products for Twitter.
            And that’s what convices me that Vine is going to be big. It’s quickly generating its own culture, and it’s already being used to commit minors acts of journalism. When a water main broke in Manhattan, shutting down part of Fifth Avenue, it was broadcast on Vine. Before the city of San Francisco announced why a metro line quit running during on morning rush, a Vine loop had documented a broken-down train.
            Vine has even jumped its own walls. Sites like Vinecats.com and Vinepeek.com give you, respectively, cat clips and a raw, real-time look at everything being uploaded to Vine
            Speaking of cats, Vine quickly birthed its own hashtag tropes. The #magic loops of things crawling across a desktop can’t go on much longer, right? (Right?!?) And the app is overrun with food-but instead of what you’re eating it shows how you’re making it. Of course, the knock on Vine is that it’s banal- a charge that was thrown at Twitter and instagram before it. But whe a place landed in the Hudson, and Tahrir Square erupted, these services were recognized as potent tools for distributing information rapidly.
            Vine will have its Arab Spring moment. It will document violence and triumphs. Celebrities will storm it for six seconds of self-promotion while it mints its own new stars. And soon enough it will be yet another pervasive real-time window on the world.

Dificult Word
Forge : menempa
Looped : diligkarkan
Bursts : semburan
Constraints : kendala
Sequence : urutan
Dense : padat
Instance : contoh
Popped : muncul
Discovery : penemuan

Attract : menarik

Senin, 24 Oktober 2016


 Last week at english class, Miss Dini gave us exercise about Subject and verb agreement, synonims of verbs and adverbs, and exercise in Teenage Depression.
Exercise: Subject and Verb Agreement Exercise
Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

1.        Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.
Answer : Annie and her brother are at school.
2.        Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.
Answer : Either my mother or my father is coming to the meeting.
3.        The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.
Answer : The dog or the cats are outside.
4.        Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.
Answer : Either my shoes or your coat is always on the floor.
5.        George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.
Answer : George and Tamara don’t want to see that movie.
6.        Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.
Answer : Benito doesn’t know tthe answer.
7.        One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.
Answer : One of my sister is going on a trip to France.
8.        The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.
Answer : The man with all the birds lives on my street.
9.        The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.
Answer : The movie, including all the previews takes about two hours to watch.
10.    The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.
Answer : The players, as well as the captain, want to win.
11.    Either answer (is, are) acceptable.
Answer : Either answer is acceptable.
12.    Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.
Answer : Everyone of those books is fiction.
13.    Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.
Answer : Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen.
14.    (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?
Answer : Are the news on at five or six?
15.    Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite subject.
Answer : Mathematics is John’s favorite subject, while Civis is Andrea’s favorite subject.
16.    Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.
Answer : Eight dollar is the price of a movie these days.
17.    (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?
Answer : Are the tweezers in this drawer?
18.    Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.
Answer : Your pants are at the cleaner’s.
19.    There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!
Answer : There were fifteen candies in that bag. Now there is only one left!
20.    The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.
Answer : The committee debates these questions carefully.
21.    The committee (leads, lead) very different lives in private.
Answer : The committee leads very different lives in private.
22.    The Prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets, greet) the press cordially.
Answer : The Prime Minister, together with his wife greets the press cordially.
23.    All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case.
Answer : All of the CDs, even the scratched one are in the case.
Grammar: Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic English
1. Verbs
  1. Obliterate = Destroyed
  2. Severed = Cut
  3. Conceive = Create
  4. Tolerate = Allow
  5. Ingest = Consume
  6. Pacify = Calm (Down)
  7. Calibrate = Adjust
  8. Magnify = Enlarge
  9. Incentivize = Support
  10. Speculate = Theorize
  11. Levitate = Float
  12. Illustrate = Exemplify
  13. Elucidate = Clarify
  14. Impede = Interfere
  15. Advocate = Motivate
2. Adverbs
  1. Methodically = Systematically
  2. Begrudgingly = Resentfully
  3. Amicably = Quietly
  4. Fiercely = Severely
  5. Unintelligibly = Unclearly
  6. Sporadically =  Occasionally
  7. Unequivocally = Indisputably
  8. Zealously = Eagerly
  9. Laboriously = Painfully
  10. Earnestly = Decisively
  11. Indisputably = Indisputably
  12. Definitively = Absolutely
  13. Faintly = Weakly
  14. Discreetly = Privately


1. Vocabulary
Match the words or phrases from the article with their definitions
1. Broken home : a family where the parents have separated
2. To snap at someone : to speak to someone angrily
3. To lose touch : to lose contac
4. To snap out of it : to recover quikly
5. To cope : to deal successfully with a situation
6. Blue : Unhappy (informal)
7. Help line : a telephone advice service
8. Self-injury : harm that you do to yourself deliberately
9. Counselor : a person professionally trained to talk to people about their problems

2. Comprehension
According to the text, are the following sentences true or false?
1. Teenagers don’t want to become adults. (False)
2. Teenagers often don’t know how to get helps with their depression. (True)
3. Other people are usually the first to see that you are depression. (True)
4. A common symptom of teenage behavior is moody behavior. (True)
5. It’s easy to recover quikly from serious depression. (False)
6. Talking to a person who is depressed is a good way to help. (True)
7. Telephone help lines are private way to talk about your problems. (True)
8. Anyone can be counselor. (False)
9. Everyone feels miserable sometimes. (True

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

smartphone apps that i love

Assalamualikum Going.
Hello all welcome back on my blog. Before you guys would already know who my name, where I come from and I lecture in which. This time I will tell you about the application on the smart phone's mine which is a task for the 4th week. Before getting into the main story, first began I will tell you about some applications in smart phone belongs to me. For applications in smart phone that I owned many once namely BBM, LINE, Instagram, google, google maps, and still many more that I can not mention one by one.
Okay all right we got into its story about an application on my smart phone that I like. For applications in the smart phone I like IE a LINE, perhaps it's not just me alone like this one application. But many people in outer there who also love the applications on this one. Maybe one of you or all of you may also like this one with the application.
The reason why I like this one application is due with the application of this one we can often with with our friends, even with the new new friends we know. The application of this one more exclamation point from the SMS, the origin of the right we have the data package.
Sekianlah my story about applications in smart phone that I like. If there is a wrong word in my writing is my own name, I apologize, because perfection only belongs to God who created us.
Another message from me, please comment or input from comrades all in order for writing or story I've made good and can be better than my previous writings. All this and thank you for visiting the blog belong to me.