Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016


Hasil gambar untuk laskar pelangi
assalammualaikum. Wr. Wb
Hi all back again on my blog, this time I'm back again to share the story with all of you about the film that I like. before I share the story about the film that I love, I will be memperkenal right my self so that you can recognize me ...
my name is andi, nur ewid ishaq probably name already femiliar in the hear of you especially you guys that one class and always visit my blog ...
the movie which I will tell you this may not be of interest to you guys but this film highly motivate me and inspire me ... and that movie is. ..
sure its you guys wonder why I chose this movie, yes you guys are true movies mengkisah kan about the education of children in remote areas will be minimal means and facilities for teaching and learning, and the film shows how his spirit children to continue their education, though he was still with yg deficient, from here I started thinking why I could be losing the spirit of their kebanding While I have the facilities and the inadequate reply means? But although I have yg is better than them but I lost the spirit high in compare their passion so missed the education they desire.. not up there, they also have a sense of camaraderie that is so high
because as we know it without the support of kluarga and friends of someone does not like what will be successful in want.. and through this film, I become more viable and vibrant in the study even though sometimes I still feel the boredom in the teaching and learning activities ... therefore I invite all friends to be more passion in learning so that what friends all aspire during these can be realized ... and I also invite you all to better appreciate the time because a single second is wasted how many moments that we miss. ..

quite a few stories that I can pass it along to friends all hope with this we can be more active again to study

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